Arbitration Services


Many people do not anticipate future litigation when they form companies, partnerships, or investment transactions. When a problem does arise, however, there are numerous alternatives for dealing with it. If you’re dissatisfied with the prospect of having to go to court and endure a trial experience, arbitration may be a better option if all parties agree.

Arbitration is a type of private trial in which one person (the arbitrator) makes a decision instead of a jury. Rather than going to court, parties will submit their disagreement to a third-party neutral arbitrator. The presentation may be limited to paperwork rather than the courtroom bench or jury trial, although most often, both sides will have attorneys who will make oral arguments.

The Benefits Of Arbitration

  • A Faster And More Efficient Resolution – Because of the timeliness, efficiency, and reduced costs inherent in arbitration, many disputes are quickly resolved. A court trial date might take years to acquire, but an arbitration date can generally be obtained quickly. Furthermore, trials must be scheduled on a courtroom calendar that is frequently clogged with hundreds or even thousands of cases. Arbitration hearings, on the other hand, may be arranged depending on the availability of the parties and the arbitrator.

  • Less Complicated Due To Simplified Rules Of Procedure And Evidence – Litigation is a complicated and time-consuming process that will almost certainly require the preparation of extensive filings and motions, as well as court procedures including motion hearings. In arbitration proceedings, the typical rules of evidence applied in court may not be strictly applied, making it much simpler to admit evidence. Discovery, the time-consuming and costly procedure of requesting and answering interrogatories, depositions, and demands for document production, may very well be reduced in arbitration.

  • Privacy Of Both Parties Involved – Unlike a lawsuit, an arbitration procedure results in a confidential settlement, so the information discussed in the dispute and resolution may be kept private. This could be attractive to well-known public figures or consumers involved in business disputes because all evidence, statements, and arguments will be entirely secret. In contrast, even if specific records will not be made public in court, there is always a danger of sensitive commercial data becoming publicly accessible.

  • The Impartiality Of A Neutral Party – The parties frequently select the arbitrator together, so the arbitrator will be someone that both sides trust to be impartial and unbiased.

  • Typically Less Expensive – Arbitration is frequently less expensive than litigation due to it being more expedient than court actions, resulting in lower attorneys’ fees. There are also fewer expenses associated with preparing for arbitration than a jury trial.
  • A Resolution To The Dispute – There are few possibilities for appeal when it comes to binding arbitration. This provides finality to the arbitration that is uncommon following a trial decision, which might be overturned on appeal, require additional trials, and further appeals.

Florida Supreme Court Qualified Arbitrator

Brian Beason has successfully completed the Florida Supreme Court Qualified
Arbitrator Training in a program approved by the Florida Supreme Court pursuant
to Rule 11.020 of the Florida Rules for Court-Appointed Arbitrators.

Florida Supreme Court Qualified Arbitrator

Brian Beason has successfully completed the Florida Supreme Court Qualified Arbitrator Training in a program approved by the Florida Supreme Court pursuant to Rule 11.020 of the Florida Rules for Court-Appointed Arbitrators.


“When opposing counsel proposed your name as mediator, he told
me that you were very effective at settling tough disputes. After
mediation yesterday, I share his opinion. Thank you very much
for your efforts. I will be passing your name along to any of my
colleagues searching for a Florida mediator.”


“When opposing counsel proposed your name as mediator, he told me that you were very effective at settling tough disputes. After mediation yesterday, I share his opinion. Thank you very much for your efforts. I will be passing your name along to any of my colleagues searching for a Florida mediator.”

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